moneta verde

monetaverded --add-exclusive-node --seed-node --seed-node --seed-node

monetaverded.exe --add-exclusive-node --seed-node

simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=wallet_name.bin --pass=12345

 had the exact same error when trying to sync the complete blockchain. This worked for me

    Stop Daemon
    Delete all files in C:\Users\%yourusername%\AppData\Roaming\monetaverde.
    Download the blockchain file (link above in post from ocix33)
    Start Daemon



1) Download MonetaVerde and BCN/MRO/QCN binaries.

2) Launch BCN/MRO/QCN daemon and wait till its synchronization.

3) Start MonetaVerde's daemon. The process is very similar to BCN/MRO/QCN's: launch command line, navigate to the right folder and launch monetaverded.exe .
Use "save" command after synchronization.

4)Create MCN's address. Again it is the same process as for BCN/MRO/QCN: open another instance of command line, navigate to MonetaVerde 's folder and generate new wallet with "simplewallet".


simplewallet --generate-new-wallet=example_wallet.bin --pass=12345

Here "example_wallet.bin" is the name of the wallet (use .bin file extension) and "12345" is the password for your new wallet.

5) One more command line is needed. Navigate to MonetaVerde 's folder and launch minerc.exe using the next command:


minerc --node1= --node2= --wallet1=%your BCN/MRO/QCN address% --wallet2=%your MCN address%

--node1= is IP and BCN's daemon port.

Use this IP and port for MRO:
--node1= instead

And for QCN use this:
--node2= is IP and MCN's daemon port

 When creating a new wallet this will sync block chain with the daemon (hence note above of wait until daemon idle), this will take 10 or 15 minutes

mkdir ~/mymcn | /usr/bin/mcn/simplewallet --generate-new-wallet ~/mymcn/mymcn.wallet.bin --password abc123xyz890

Once this has finished sync'ing type 'save' so that you are not flooding your RAM. Note that this will save when you exit. Type exit, DO NOT use Ctrl+C

To access your wallet in the future you need to use the open wallet command for this,

/usr/bin/mcn/simplewallet --wallet-file ~/mymcn/mymcn.wallet.bin --password abc123xyz890

NOTE, Backup the directory you saved your wallet too as this holds your private key and allows you to resync' your wallet if you should ever loose it.

NEVER show anyone your private key, this is yours! If you release it to anyone then they could resync your wallet and steal you funds. Keep it Safe


 Quick notes on downloading and operating the MonetaVerde Blockchain, I have done this on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server Edition.

Note that I also run my primary BCN wallet on a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 Server that I built last week, I have noted this to be 3 times faster on Ubuntu than Windows.

ALWAYS use an x64 Operating System due to the size of the Blockchain file, you will hurt on x86 if it even works!

The following steps have been completed on an Intel Core i5 Laptop with 8GB RAM running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 Server Edition (no GUI), this was upgraded after it failed with only 4GB RAM.

Additionally this was done on a WIndows 10 Laptop, Core i7 with 16GB RAM and it was not as fast as the Ubuntu option. However both systems work and are fully sync'd.

First you need the monetaverded daemon, the original from 2014 still works and is available from here,

No installation is required, this works out of the box. Handy little daemon and wallet tool that have me on my feet with this blockchain.

Note that once extracted to the system I ran the initial sync' as admin, this would not play nice otherwise. I have used /usr/bin for data but any directory will do

sudo mkdir /usr/bin/mcn/ | sudo mkdir /usr/bin/mcn/data | sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/mcn/data

There are comments around this forum about available seed nodes, for initial sync' I used the one that was fastest from my location and then added a secondary

sudo /usr/bin/mcn/monetaverded --add-exclusive-node --seed-node --data-dir /usr/bin/mcn/data/

Note that this took over 2 days and updated the blockchain.bin to 5.66GB so please allow for some time.

WARNING!!! To pause or close when finished, type "exit" and press Enter. If you use Ctrl+C you risk loosing your progress! Exiting half way through sync' is okay using exit

Next lesson learned, DO NOT create a wallet until blockchain has been downloaded or you may get errors and find this wallet file to be useless!

Once the sync' is completed you do not need to run as admin again, I recommend that you reboot and then run the daemon as an admin user without admin mode / sudo

To run the daemon drop the option for a dedicated seed node as this is only going to create unwanted head aches

/usr/bin/mcn/monetaverded --data-dir /usr/bin/mcn/data --seed-node --seed-node --seed-node

Again, avoid the headache and DO NOT use --start-mining or --mining-threads! I will cover this soon, if you have issues and need additional logging then run the following

/usr/bin/mcn/monetaverded --data-dir /usr/bin/mcn/data --seed-node --seed-node --seed-node --extra-messages-file /usr/bin/mcn/extendedinfo.log

Wait for your daemon to sync' as this may be out by a few dozen blocks or more in the time it was off-line, this will not take long but if you need to know whats going on type 'set_log 4', set_log 4 can also be used for troubleshooting, default is set_log 0 and you can go between 0 and 4 depending on how much information you desire.

REMEMBER: Always close by typing exit and NEVER Ctrl+C

So let's get started, you need a wallet but first a quick security step - create a new user and run your wallet separate to the account running the daemon, I use OpenSSH to get 2 separate session at the same time on Ubuntu Server

sudo adduser monetaverde

Logon as your separate user, ensuring they have no admin rights, do not add them to sudo allowed, protect your wallet.

When creating a new wallet this will sync block chain with the daemon (hence note above of wait until daemon idle), this will take 10 or 15 minutes

mkdir ~/mymcn | /usr/bin/mcn/simplewallet --generate-new-wallet ~/mymcn/mymcn.wallet.bin --password abc123xyz890

Once this has finished sync'ing type 'save' so that you are not flooding your RAM. Note that this will save when you exit. Type exit, DO NOT use Ctrl+C

To access your wallet in the future you need to use the open wallet command for this,

/usr/bin/mcn/simplewallet --wallet-file ~/mymcn/mymcn.wallet.bin --password abc123xyz890

NOTE, Backup the directory you saved your wallet too as this holds your private key and allows you to resync' your wallet if you should ever loose it.

NEVER show anyone your private key, this is yours! If you release it to anyone then they could resync your wallet and steal you funds. Keep it Safe

In the basic sense of your wallet you have 2 important commands, bc_height will show the blockchain height and this show be the same at the public block chain, refresh will update your blockchain sync and give you your balance.

Now you will note that I said earlier not to mine via the daemon! You are best to do this via your wallet. Once your wallet is open type start_mining 5 (5 is the number of threads, I have an 8 core CPU, that is 4 plus Hyper Threading to make 8 threads), so if you only have 4 threads available then use start_mining 2 as not to crash your daemon

Hope this gets you started if you have not done so already, I know this is a very basic guide but once the wiki is running I will add full information.


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